Wegens familie omstandigheden zijn wij tijdelijk gesloten
LET OP !!!
U heeft javascript uitgeschakeld staan in uw browser, om deze site volledig te kunnen benutten dient u javascript aan te zetten. Of maak gebruik van een andere browser, wij bevelen Google Chrome aan.
Deel uw ervaringen, meningen en of opmerkingen in ons gastenboek.
En maak kans op kortingsbonnen of andere leuke acties bij de aankoop van uw kunststof kozijnen. Afhankelijk van uw bestelling kan dit al gauw oplopen tot honderden euros voordeel !
Zeer goede service en degelijke kwaliteit.
Zeer tevreden !!
Kunststof Kozijnen GrootHandel:
Dank u !
Hans Thijssen |
Prima kwaliteit en levering conform afspraak. Zeker een aanrader!
Winnaar kortingsbon
Kunststof Kozijnen GrootHandel:
onderhoudsbedrijf Robra |
geweldige service ,mooie kozijnen van goede kwaliteit.
Kunststof Kozijnen GrootHandel:
Danku Jan!
Cees O |
Ik kan deze firma aanbevelen
Denken mee flexibel
eerdere order ook goed verlopen
alleen verivieren zeer irritant
Kunststof Kozijnen GrootHandel:
Betreffende het verifieren:
Dat is een captcha, zonder dat krijgen we de gehele dag allerlei berichten over *****vergroting en andere rare zooi binnen :-)
Kunnen wij helaas niet veel aan doen. In principe zou het alleen het vinkje aan moeten klikken zijn en dan is het goed.
Indien u dat vaak krijgt dat je plaatjes moet klikken (zoals bv klik alle verkeersborden in de afbeelding) dan kan dit erop duiden dat uw ip adres of network bekend staat als spam of dat er malware op de computer aanwezig is.
Hier meer informatie: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/
Mocht het toevallig alleen deze keer zijn dan is er niks aan de hand :-)
Jasper |
Eerste bestelling waren 3 triple glas raamkozijnen waarvan 1 draaikiep. Buitenzijde antraciet, binnenzijde zwart. Heb ze zelf gemonteerd in mijn woning met behulp van de site, heel goed zelf te doen.
Alles is mogelijk, en Denny denkt graag met je mee voor een oplossing.
Duidelijke pagina
Goede prijzen
Geen kosten achteraf
Snelle levering
Hele mooie kozijnen
Mijn 2e bestelling is alweer onderweg.
//an even shorter method for the $(document).ready(function(){
//It is good practice to wait for the document to be fully loaded and ready before working with it.
function decideSizeMenu() {
$(window).width(); // This will return the width of browser viewport
$(document).width(); // This will return the width of HTML document
$(screen).width(); // This will return the width of the users screen
if(screenwidth != $(document).width() ){ screenwidth = $(document).width();
//console.log("screen width has changed, so let the menu follow");
var maxmedia = window.matchMedia( "(max-width: 767px)" );
if (maxmedia.matches) { //mobile slide menu
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','none'); //on resize gooi menu dicht mocht die open staan
$('button.closemenu').css('display','none'); //en ook de close button weghalen
$('button.openmenu').css('display','block'); //en toon de menu openen button
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div.more').remove();
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div.less').remove();
if($("div#menu ul li.parentlink div.more").length){
//already added
}else{ //add some + behind menu items for opening submenus
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink").append('');//add + for submenu to open
$("#menu").on("click", ".more", function(e) { //open submenu
$(this).siblings('a').css('background','#0e688f');//column title
$(this).siblings('div').css('display','block');//submenu tonen
$(this).removeClass('more');//submenu is open so remove the +
$(this).addClass('less');//and add - to close submenu
$("#menu").on("click", ".less", function(e) { //close submenu
// $(this).parentlink().css('display','none');
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div .more').remove();
$(this).siblings('a').css('background','unset');//column title
$(this).siblings('div').css('display','none');//submenu sluiten
var minmedia = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 768px)" );
if (minmedia.matches) { //tablet en groter is normaal menu
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > a').removeAttr( 'style' );//remove active colors
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div').removeAttr( 'style' );//close open submenu's
$('button.navbar-toggle').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('button.openmenu').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('button.closemenu').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','block');//show the menu for desktop
//if it is a touch device we want the menu to open when clicked and not follow the parent links
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function setHasTouch () {
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink > a").bind('click',function(event) { event.preventDefault();}); //remove click functionality from parent button
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink2 > a").bind('click',function(event) { event.preventDefault();}); //remove click functionality from parent button
// Remove event listener once fired, otherwise it'll kill scrolling performance
window.removeEventListener('touchstart', setHasTouch);
}, false);
var screenwidth = 0;
//waar beginnen we mee? als mobiel dan mobiel menu anders desktop menu
//The resize event should never be used directly as it is fired continuously as we resize.
//It will never fire more than once every 500ms.
/* todo gives trouble in internet explorer, but wihtout the menu does not change on resize
const debounce = (func, wait, immediate) => {
var timeout;
return () => {
const context = this, args = arguments;
const later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(() => decideSizeMenu(), 500, false), false);
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','block');
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','none');
function openOrCloseCart(slow, close, timer1, timer2){
if(!$('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){//when pinned we do nothing/default
if(close || $('#cart .content').css("display") == 'block'){
$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).fadeOut(timer2, function(){
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'}); // instant open/close
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'});
}else{ //openen
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block',opacity:'1'});
function doubleClickHeaderCart(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true);
if($('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){
$('#cart .content').removeClass('pinned');
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'});//close the cart
//cart is pinned, i.o.w. it wont automatic slide away but will remain open until closed by user
$('#cart .content').addClass('pinned');
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block',opacity:'1'});//open the cart
function slowCloseHeaderCart(timer1, timer2){
if(!$('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){//when pinned we do nothing
/*$('#header #cart .content').delay(400).animate({opacity: '0.5'}, 300, function(){
$('#header #cart .content').animate({minHeight: "0px", height:'0px', opacity: '0.6'}, 300, function(){
$('#header #cart .content').animate({width:'230px'}, 200, function(){
openOrCloseCart(false);//als sluit dan kan niet pinned zijn
$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).fadeOut(timer2, function(){
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'}); // instant open/close
/*$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).animate({opacity: '0.1'}, timer2, function(){
openOrCloseCart(false); // instant open/close
$('#cart .heading').on('dblclick',function(){
doubleClickHeaderCart(); //pinned or not
$('#cart .heading').on('click',function(){
openOrCloseCart(true, false, 0,600); //open or close menu slow
$('#cart .content').on('dblclick',function(){
doubleClickHeaderCart(); //pinned or not
$('#cart .content').on('click',function(){
//kan alleen hierop klikken als menu open is
openOrCloseCart(true, true, 0,600);//close menu slow
$('#cart .heading').on('mouseenter',function(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true); //cancel animation already running
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block', opacity:'1'});//open menu
$('#cart .content').on('mouseenter',function(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true); //cancel animation already running
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block', opacity:'1'});//open menu
openOrCloseCart(true, true, 200,600); //close menu slow
var mctooltipOptions = {
showDelay: 10,
hideDelay: 800,
effect: "fade",
duration: 200,
relativeTo: "element",
position: 0,
offsetX: 100,
offsetY: 20,
maxWidth: "100%",
calloutSize: 0,
sticky: false,
overlay: false,
license: "247l7"
var mctooltip = function(o) {
var j = "length",
xb = function(a, c, b) {
if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(c, b, false);
else a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + c, b)
b = {},
zb = function(a) {
if (a && a.stopPropagation) a.stopPropagation();
else window.event.cancelBubble = true;
var b = a ? a : window.event;
b.preventDefault && b.preventDefault()
jb = function(d) {
var a = d.childNodes,
c = [];
if (a)
for (var b = 0, e = a.length; b < e; b++) a[b].nodeType == 1 && c.push(a[b]);
return c
L = {
a: 0,
b: 0
g = null,
Bb = function(a) {
if (!a) a = window.event;
L.a = a.clientX;
L.b = a.clientY
X, V, Z = function(b, d) {
if (window.getComputedStyle) var c = window.getComputedStyle(b, null);
else if (b.currentStyle) c = b.currentStyle;
else c = b[a];
return c[d]
t = "offsetLeft",
v = "offsetTop",
Q = "clientWidth",
C = "clientHeight",
s = "appendChild",
J = "createElement",
G = "getElementsByTagName",
w = "parentNode",
H = "calloutSize",
x = "position",
S = function() {
this.a = [];
this.b = null
z = "firstChild",
db = 0,
ob = document,
r = "getElementById",
d = function(a, b) {
return b ? ob[a](b) : ob[a]
lb = function() {
var c = 50,
b = navigator.userAgent,
if ((a = b.indexOf("MSIE ")) != -1) c = parseInt(b.substring(a + 5, b.indexOf(".", a)));
return c
pb = lb() < 7,
cb = lb() < 9,
u = "marginTop",
R = "marginLeft";
S.tx = {
c: function(a) {
return -Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2 + .5
var p = "offsetWidth",
n = "offsetHeight",
k = "documentElement",
l = "body",
I = "borderColor",
ab = "nextSibling",
a = "style",
B = "visibility",
q = "width",
y = "height",
Db = ["$1$2$3", "$1$2$3", "$1$24", "$1$23", "$1$22"],
W, Fb;
S.prototype = {
d: {
a: o.duration,
b: function() {},
c: S.tx.c,
tranFactor: 1.5
e: function(h, d, g, c) {
for (var b = [], i = g - d, j = g > d ? 1 : -1, f = Math.ceil(60 * c.a / 1e3), a, e = 1; e <= f; e++) {
a = d + c.c(e / f, c.tranFactor) * i;
if (h != "opacity") a = Math.round(a);
b.d = 0;
return b
f: function() {
this.b == null && this.g()
g: function() {
var a = this;
this.b = window.setInterval(function() {
}, 15)
h: function() {
var a = this.a[j];
if (a) {
for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) this.i(this.a[c]);
while (a--) {
var b = this.a[a];
if (b.c.d == b.c[j]) {
this.a.splice(a, 1)
} else {
this.b = null
i: function(b) {
if (b.c.d < b.c[j]) {
var d = b.b,
c = b.c[b.c.d];
if (b.b == "opacity") {
b.a.op = c;
if (cb) {
d = "filter";
c = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(c * 100) + ")"
} else c += "px";
b.a[a][d] = c;
j: function(e, b, d, f, a) {
a = this.k(this.d, a);
var c = this.e(b, d, f, a);
a: e,
b: b,
c: c,
d: a.b
k: function(c, b) {
b = b || {};
var a, d = {};
for (a in c) d[a] = b[a] !== undefined ? b[a] : c[a];
return d
var i = new S,
Eb = function(b) {
var a = [],
c = b[j];
while (c--) a.push(String.fromCharCode(b[c]));
return a.join("")
Cb = [/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])\.(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /^(?:.*\.)?(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])([\w\-])\.com\.[^.]+$/, /^(\w)[^.]*(\w)+$/],
T = function(d, a) {
var c = [];
if (db) return db;
for (var b = 0; b < d[j]; b++) c[c[j]] = String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(b) - (a && a > 7 ? a : 3));
return c.join("")
qb = function(a) {
return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2")
ub = function(e, c) {
var d = function(a) {
for (var c = a.substr(0, a[j] - 1), e = a.substr(a[j] - 1, 1), d = "", b = 0; b < c[j]; b++) d += c.charCodeAt(b) - e;
return unescape(d)
a = qb(document.domain) + Math.random(),
b = d(a);
W = "%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%71%51%28%73%2C%6B%29%7B%76%61%72%20%72%3D%27%27%3B%66%6F%72%28%76%61%72%20%69%";
if (b[j] == 39) try {
a = (new Function("$", "_", T(W))).apply(this, [b, c]);
W = a
} catch (f) {}
Ab = function(c, a) {
var b = function(b) {
var a = b.charCodeAt(0).toString();
return a.substring(a[j] - 1)
return c + b(a[parseInt(T("4"))]) + a[2] + b(a[0])
e, c, f, K, h, M, F = null,
A = null,
N = 0,
Y = function() {
if (F != null) {
F = null
D = function() {
if (A != null) {
A = null
P = function(b, c) {
if (b) {
b.op = c;
if (cb) b[a].filter = "alpha(opacity=" + c * 100 + ")";
else b[a].opacity = c
sb = function(a, c, b, d, g, e, h, f) {
xf = b >= a;
yf = d >= c;
var k = xf ? b - a < g : a - b < h,
l = yf ? d - c < e : c - d < f,
i = k ? b - a : xf ? g : -h,
j = l ? d - c : yf ? e : -f;
if (k && l)
if (Math.abs(i) > Math.abs(j)) i = xf ? g : -h;
else j = yf ? e : -f;
return [i, j]
yb = function(l, g, k) {
O(c, 1);
var b = d(J, "div");
b[a][q] = l + "px";
f = d(J, "div");
f[a][q] = f[a][y] = "auto";
f[a].cssFloat = "left";
f[a].styleFloat = "left";
f[a][x] = "relative";
P(f, 0);
if (k == 1) f.innerHTML = g;
else {
var e = d(r, g);
if (e[w].sw) f = e[w];
else {
f.sw = e[w];
if (cb) {
var h = f[G]("select"),
i = h[j];
while (i--) h[i].onmouseout = zb
f[a][q] = f[p] + "px";
f[a][y] = f[n] + 1 + "px";
f[a].left = f[a].top = "auto";
f = c.insertBefore(f, c[z]);
f[a][x] = "absolute";
b = c.removeChild(b);
b = null;
delete b;
return f
tb = function(a) {
if (a.sw) {
P(a, 1)
} else {
a = a[w].removeChild(a);
delete a
O = function(b, c) {
for (var a = c; a < b.childNodes.length; a++) tb(b.childNodes[a])
vb = function() {
e.cO = 0;
e[a][B] = h[a][B] = K[a][B] = "hidden";
if (g.Q) g.Q[a].display = "none";
O(c, 0)
kb = function(a) {
if (a && e.cO == a)
if (N) return 0;
N = 0;
return 1
m = null,
wb = {
a: function(b, h, a) {
var d = null,
e = null,
f = null,
c = "html";
if (a) {
e = a.success || null;
c = a.responseType || "html";
d = a.context && e ? a.context : null;
f = a.fail || null
m = this.b();
m.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (m && m.readyState === 4) {
if (m.status === 200) {
if (M == b && F) {
var h = c.toLowerCase() == "xml" ? m.responseXML : m.responseText,
i = h;
if (c.toLowerCase() == "json") i = eval("(" + h + ")");
if (e) h = a.success(i, d);
g.f(b, h, 1)
} else if (f) g.f(b, f(d), 1);
else g.f(b, "Failed to get data.", 1);
m = null
m.open("GET", h, true);
b: function() {
var a;
try {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) a = new XMLHttpRequest;
else a = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
} catch (b) {
throw new Error("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return a
rb = function(c) {
var b = d(G, "body")[0],
a = jb(b);
if (a.length && a[0].nodeName == "FORM") a[0][s](c);
else b[s](c)
nb = function() {
e = d(J, "div");
e.id = "mcTooltipWrapper";
e.innerHTML = '
c = e[z];
e.cW = e.cH = e.cO = 0;
ub(e, b.a);
K = e.lastChild;
h = c[ab];
this.c(o[x], o[H]);
var a = this.k();
K.onclick = function() {
c.onmouseout = function() {
F != 1 && Y();
!M.sticky && a.h(350)
P(e, 0)
nb.prototype = {
j: function(o, j) {
var m = j * 2 + "px",
n = b.b + j + "px",
i = b.b + "px",
f = "border",
k = "",
l = "",
e = "",
g = h[z],
d = h.lastChild;
c[a][I] = g[a][I] = b.d;
c[a].backgroundColor = d[a][I] = b.c;
switch (o) {
case 0:
case 2:
k = "Left";
l = "Right";
h[a][q] = m;
h[a][y] = n;
d[a][R] = d[a].marginRight = "auto";
case 3:
k = "Top";
l = "Bottom";
h[a][q] = n;
h[a][y] = m
switch (o) {
case 0:
e = "Top";
h[a][u] = "-" + i;
g[a][u] = i;
d[a][u] = "-" + n;
case 2:
e = "Bottom";
h[a][u] = i;
g[a][u] = "-" + i;
d[a][u] = -(j - b.b) + "px";
case 3:
e = "Left";
h[a][R] = "-" + i;
g[a][R] = i;
d[a][u] = "-" + m;
e = "Right";
h[a].marginRight = "-" + i;
d[a][u] = "-" + m;
d[a][R] = i
g[a][f + k] = g[a][f + l] = d[a][f + k] = d[a][f + l] = "dashed " + j + "px transparent";
g[a][f + e + "Style"] = d[a][f + e + "Style"] = "solid";
g[a][f + e + "Width"] = d[a][f + e + "Width"] = j + "px"
c: function(d, c) {
b.e = d;
b.f = c;
e[a].padding = b.f + "px";
this.j(b.e, b.f)
d: function(a, c, b) {
if (kb()) A = setTimeout(function() {
g.f(a, c, b)
}, a.showDelay)
e: function(a, c, b) {
if (kb()) A = setTimeout(function() {
g.g(a, c, b)
}, a.showDelay)
a: function(g) {
var a = 1,
f = "#FBF5E6",
e = "#CFB57C";
try {
a = parseInt(Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "borderLeftWidth"));
f = Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "backgroundColor");
e = Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "borderLeftColor")
} catch (h) {}
b = {
a: g.license || "4321",
b: a,
c: f,
d: e,
l: c[Q] - c[z][p],
m: c[C] - c[z][n]
f: function(g, x, w) {
i.a = [];
if (this.Q) this.Q[a].display = g.overlay ? "block" : "none";
K[a][B] = g.sticky ? "visible" : "hidden";
var d = this.n(g, x, w);
if (e.cO) {
i.j(e, "left", e[t], d.l);
i.j(e, "top", e[v], d.t);
i.j(c, q, c.cW, c.tw);
i.j(c, y, c.cH, c.th);
i.j(h, "left", h[t], d.x);
i.j(h, "top", h[v], d.y)
} else if (b.e == 4) {
var z = this.v(g, 0),
A = this.v(g, 1);
i.j(e, "left", z, d.l);
i.j(e, "top", A, d.t);
i.j(c, q, g[p], c.tw);
i.j(c, y, g[n], c.th)
} else {
if (b.e > 4) i.j(e, "top", d.t + 6, d.t);
else e[a].top = d.t + "px";
e[a].left = d.l + "px";
c[a][q] = c.tw + "px";
c[a][y] = c.th + "px";
h[a].left = d.x + "px";
h[a].top = d.y + "px"
if (g.effect == "slide") {
var j, k;
if (!e.cO && b.e < 4) {
switch (b.e) {
case 0:
j = 0;
k = 1;
case 1:
j = -1;
k = 0;
case 2:
j = 0;
k = -1;
case 3:
j = 1;
k = 0
var m = [j * f[p], k * f[n]]
} else {
if (!e.cO && b.e > 3) {
j = g[t];
k = g[v]
} else {
j = e[t];
k = e[v];
if (b.e > 3) {
j += e.cO[t] - g[t];
k += e.cO[v] - g[v]
var s = b.l + b.b + b.b,
u = b.m + b.b + b.b;
m = sb(j, k, d.l, d.t, c.cW + s, c.cH + u, c.tw + s, c.th + u)
var o = b.l / 2,
r = b.m / 2;
i.j(f, "left", m[0] + o, o);
i.j(f, "top", m[1] + r, r);
var l = f[ab];
if (l) {
i.j(l, "left", o, -m[0] + o, {
b: function() {
O(c, 1)
i.j(l, "top", r, -m[1] + r)
P(f, 1)
} else {
i.j(f, "opacity", 0, 1, {
b: function() {
O(c, 1)
var l = f[ab];
l && i.j(l, "opacity", l.op, 0)
i.j(e, "opacity", e.op, 1);
e.cO = g
g: function(a, c, b) {
m = null;
A = setTimeout(function() {
g.f(a, '
', 1)
}, a.showDelay);
F = 1;
wb.a(a, c, b)
h: function(a) {
A = setTimeout(function() {
}, a)
i: function() {
i.a = [];
i.j(e, "opacity", e.op, 0, {
b: vb
l: function() {
if (d(r, "mcOverlay") == null) {
this.Q = d(J, "div");
this.Q.id = "mcOverlay";
d(G, "body")[0][s](this.Q);
this.Q[a][x] = pb ? "absolute" : "fixed";
if (pb) {
this.Q[a][q] = document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat" ? d(l).scrollWidth : d(k).scrollWidth;
this.Q[a][y] = document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat" ? d(l).scrollHeight : d(k).scrollHeight
m: function(f, e) {
if (f != b.e || e != b.f) {
var c = h[z],
d = h.lastChild;
c[a].margin = d[a].margin = h[a].margin = c[a].border = d[a].border = "0";
c[a][I] = b.d;
d[a][I] = b.c;
this.c(f, e)
k: function() {
return (new Function("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", function(d) {
var b = [];
c.onmouseover = D;
for (var a = 0, e = d[j]; a < e; a++) b[b[j]] = String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(a) - 4);
return b.join("")
}("zev$pAi,k,g,+kvthpu+0405--\u0080\u0080+6+-?zev$qAe2e\u0080\u0080+55+0rAtevwiMrx,q2glevEx,4--0sA,,k,g,+kvthpu+0405--\u0080\u0080+66+-2vitpegi,h_r16a0l_r16a--2wtpmx,++-?mj,e2e%Aj,r/+8+0s--qAQexl_g,+yhukvt+-a,-?mj,,rAA:**q@24:-\u0080\u0080,r%A:**q@259--wixXmqisyx,jyrgxmsr,-m,40g,+Ch'oylmD.o{{wA66~~~5tlu|jvvs5jvt6.E[vvs{pw'W|yjohzl'YltpuklyC6hE+-0tswmxmsr>:\u0081-?\u008106444-?\u0081\u0081vixyvr$xlmw?"))).apply(this, [b, z, T, Cb, qb, Ab, d, Db, U])
n: function(d, m, l) {
c.cW = c[Q] - b.l;
c.cH = c[C] - b.m;
f = yb(d.maxWidth, m, l);
c.tw = f[p];
c.th = f[n];
var i = c.tw + b.l + b.b + b.b,
h = c.th + b.m + b.b + b.b,
k = this.p(d, i, h),
g = this.t(i + b.f, h + b.f, k.x + d.offsetX, k.y + d.offsetY),
j = this.u(d[x], i, h);
this.m(d[x], d[H]);
g.x = j[0];
g.y = j[1];
e[a][B] = "visible";
return g
o: function(a) {
return a[w] ? a[w].nodeName.toLowerCase() != "form" ? this.o(a[w]) : a[w] : null
p: function(a, o, m) {
var c, d, g, f, l = a[x];
if (l < 4)
if (a.nodeType != 1) {
c = this.s(0);
d = this.s(1);
g = 0;
f = 0
} else if (a.relativeTo == "mouse") {
c = L.a;
d = L.b;
if (L.a == null) {
c = this.v(a, 0) + Math.round(a[p] / 2);
d = this.v(a, 1) + Math.round(a[n] / 2)
} else {
c += this.s(0);
d += this.s(1)
g = 0;
f = 0
} else {
h = a;
var e = jb(a);
if (e.length) {
e = e[0];
if (e[p] >= a[p] || e[n] >= a[n]) var h = e
c = this.v(h, 0);
d = this.v(h, 1);
g = h[p];
f = h[n]
var k = 20,
j = o + 2 * a[H],
i = m + 2 * a[H];
switch (l) {
case 0:
c += Math.round((g - j) / 2);
d -= i + k;
case 2:
c += Math.round((g - j) / 2);
d += f + k;
case 3:
c -= j + k;
d += Math.round((f - i) / 2);
case 4:
c = Math.round((this.q(0) + this.s(0) - j) / 2);
d = Math.round((this.q(1) + this.s(1) - i) / 2);
case 5:
c = this.s(0);
d = this.s(1);
case 6:
c = this.q(0) - j - Math.ceil(b.l / 2);
d = this.q(1) - i - Math.ceil(b.m / 2);
case 1:
c += g + k;
d += Math.round((f - i) / 2)
return {
x: c,
y: d
q: function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
return this.r(1) + this.s(0);
case 1:
return this.r(0) + this.s(1);
return 0
r: function(b) {
var a = 0;
if (window.innerWidth) a = b ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight;
else if (d(k) && d(k)[C]) a = b ? d(k)[Q] : d(k)[C];
else if (d(l) && d(l)[C]) a = b ? d(l)[Q] : d(l)[C];
return a
s: function(e) {
var b = "scrollTop",
a = "scrollLeft",
c = 0;
if (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number") c = e ? window.pageYOffset : window.pageXOffset;
else if (d(k) && (d(k)[b] || d(k)[a])) c = e ? d(k)[b] : d(k)[a];
else if (d(l) && (d(l)[b] || d(l)[a])) c = e ? d(l)[b] : d(l)[a];
return c
t: function(h, g, c, d) {
X = this.q(0) - 20;
V = this.q(1) - 20;
var f = this.s(1),
e = this.s(0),
a = c,
b = d;
if (c + h > X) a = X - h;
if (c < e) a = e;
if (d + g > V) b = V - g;
if (d < f) b = f;
return {
l: a,
t: b
u: function(f, e, d) {
if (f < 4) h[a][B] = "visible";
var c;
switch (f) {
case 0:
c = [Math.round(e / 2), d + b.f];
case 1:
c = [0, Math.round(d / 2)];
case 2:
c = [Math.round(e / 2), 0];
case 3:
c = [e + b.f, Math.round(d / 2)];
c = [0, 0];
h[a][B] = "hidden"
return c
v: function(c, d) {
var b = d == 0 ? c[t] : c[v],
a = c.offsetParent;
while (a != null) {
b = d == 0 ? b + a[t] : b + a[v];
a = a.offsetParent
return b
var hb = function() {
if (g == null) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log === "function") {
var a = console.log;
console.log = function() {
a.call(this, ++db, arguments)
g = new nb;
if (a) console.log = a
if (M && M.id == "mcttDummy" && e.innerHTML.indexOf(T("kdvh#Uh")) != -1) g.i = function() {};
return g
eb = function(d, c, b) {
b = b || {};
var a;
for (a in c) d[a] = b[a] !== undefined ? b[a] : c[a]
bb = 0,
E, mb = function(b) {
if (!b) {
b = d(r, "mcttDummy");
if (!b) {
b = d(J, "div");
b.id = "mcttDummy";
b[a].display = "none";
var c = d(G, "body");
c.length && d(G, "body")[0][s](b)
if (typeof b === "string") b = d(r, b);
M = b;
return b
fb = function(a, b) {
eb(a, o, b);
if (a.overlay) {
a.sticky = true;
if (a.overlay === 1) g.Q.onclick = K.onclick;
else g.Q.onclick = function() {}
if (a.sticky) a.onmouseout = function() {
N = 1;
else a.onmouseout = function() {
N = 1;
g.h(this.hideDelay + 100)
if (a.relativeTo == "mouse") a.onmousemove = Bb
U = function(b, c, h) {
b = mb(b);
var a = 0;
if (c.charAt(0) == "#") {
if (c.length > 2 && c.charAt(1) == "#") a = 2;
else a = 1;
var e = c.substring(a),
f = d(r, e);
if (f) {
if (a == 2) c = f.innerHTML
} else a = -1
if (!b || !g || a == -1) {
if (++bb < 40) E = setTimeout(function() {
U(b, c, h)
}, 90)
} else {
E = null;
fb(b, h);
if (a == 1) g.d(b, e, 2);
else g.d(b, c, 1)
gb = function(a, d, b, c) {
a = mb(a);
if (!a || !g) {
if (++bb < 40) E = setTimeout(function() {
gb(a, d, b, c)
}, 90)
} else {
E = null;
fb(a, c);
g.e(a, d, b)
xb(window, "load", hb);
var ib = function(a) {
if (++bb < 20)
if (!g) setTimeout(function() {
}, 90);
else {
eb(o, o, a);
g.m(o[x], o[H])
return {
changeOptions: function(options) {
pop: function(elm, text, options) {
U(elm, text, options)
ajax: function(elm, url, ajaxSettings, options) {
gb(elm, url, ajaxSettings, options)
hide: function() {
var a = hb();
//eof mctooltip js
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// hide #back-top first
// fade in #back-top
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if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
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// scroll body to 0px on click
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scrollTop: 0
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