LET OP !!!
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Verzending / Bezorging
Wij rekenen voor alle kozijn bestellingen via de webshop een minimale aanbetaling van 50%
Bij het afrekenproces kunt u kiezen om het bedrag geheel te voldoen, of u kunt ervoor kiezen het bedrag gedeeltelijk aan te betalen en het restant bedrag bij levering van de producten. Onze betaalsystemen gaan door middel van Pay.nl een online payment service provider die het mogelijk maakt om internet betalingen veilig en soepel te laten verlopen.
Naast de veelgebruikte iDeal en Paypal betaalopties bieden wij ook creditcard en andere betaalmogelijkheden. Voor een volledig overzicht kunt u bij Betaalmethoden kijken.
Nadat uw bestelling is geplaatst en verwerkt gaan wij beginnen met het op maat maken van uw kunststof kozijnen.
De levertijd van uw kozijn is met name afhankelijk van de gekozen kleuren beschikbaarheid van de profielen.
Omdat een kleur met behulp van Renolit folie wordt gemaakt,
dient deze minstens een week te drogen voordat er verder gewerkt mee kan worden. Wit of Creme zonder houtnerf kan over het algemeen met 3 tot 6 weken geleverd worden. Overige kleuren zullen eerder een levertijd van 5 tot 8 weken hebben, afhankelijk van het aantal delen en de complexiteit van het ontwerp.
Klik op de volgende links voor meer info over kleuren en glas
Zodra wij een exacte datum weten wanneer uw kozijnen klaar zijn zullen we contact met u opnemen om een leverdatum te bespreken. Wij trachten u zo snel mogelijk van uw bestelling te voorzien, maar vragen liever een weekje extra geduld en een kwalitatief goed verzorgd product dan dat wij haastwerk zouden afleveren. Gelieve uw begrip hiervoor.
Wij verzorgen de levering van de kunststof kozijnen persoonlijk tot bij u aan de voordeur of op uw project.
Bij zeer kleine formaten kozijnen of losse onderdelen kan er ook gebruik gemaakt worden van Postnl, UPS, DHL of een andere verzendservice.
Zorg er ten alle tijden voor dat u eventuele restant bedragen contant klaar heeft liggen of vantevoren heeft overgemaakt voor een snelle afhandeling.
De kunststof kozijnen worden op begane grond niveau geleverd op plekken die bereikbaar zijn met auto, aanhanger of eventueel vrachtwagen.
Verplaatsing naar verdiepingen of onbegaanbare stukken grond dient u zelf te verzorgen. Indien het erg grote kozijnen betreft gelieve te zorgen voor meerdere handen die kunnen tillen, wij hebben geen heftruck aan de wagens.
De verzendkosten binnen Nederland bedragen altijd € 30,- per bestelling ongeacht het aantal of de grootte van de kunststof kozijnen, voor belgie bedragen de verzendkosten € 60,- per bestelling. Overige landen en/of (wadden)eilanden op aanvraag.
Voor producten anders dan kozijnen maken wij gebruik van de tarieven van Postnl
Let op! Kunststof Kozijnen zijn op maat gemaakte producten en kunnen niet worden geretourneerd!
Wilt u iets retourneren om wat voor reden dan ook?Stuur ons een mailtje zodat wij op de hoogte zijn en dan komt alles goed. Wettelijk heeft u 14 dagen de tijd, na ontvangst van het product om dit te melden. Hier zullen wij niet zo moeilijk om doen, graag hebben we wel dat u het product in originele verpakking retour retour stuurt.
Produkten waarvan de verzegeling is verbroken of producten die vallen onder artikel 10 van de algemene voorwaarden kunnen wellicht niet worden geretourneerd. Retourkosten kunnen afhankelijk van de reden voor uw eigen kosten zijn, neem dus altijd vantevoren contact met ons op voordat u iets retour stuurt.
(simpel mailtje is ook voldoende als u iets terug wilt sturen, maar webshop keurmerk stelt een formulier verplicht voor ons)
De ondernemer vergoedt alle betalingen van de consument, inclusief eventuele leveringskosten door de ondernemer in rekening gebracht voor het geretourneerde product, onverwijld doch binnen 14 dagen volgend op de dag waarop de consument hem de herroeping meldt. Tenzij de ondernemer aanbiedt het product zelf af te halen, mag hij wachten met terugbetalen tot hij het product heeft ontvangen of tot de consument aantoont dat hij het product heeft teruggezonden, naar gelang welk tijdstip eerder valt. De ondernemer gebruikt voor terugbetaling hetzelfde betaalmiddel dat de consument heeft gebruikt, tenzij de consument instemt met een andere methode. De terugbetaling is kosteloos voor de consument.
//an even shorter method for the $(document).ready(function(){
//It is good practice to wait for the document to be fully loaded and ready before working with it.
function decideSizeMenu() {
$(window).width(); // This will return the width of browser viewport
$(document).width(); // This will return the width of HTML document
$(screen).width(); // This will return the width of the users screen
if(screenwidth != $(document).width() ){ screenwidth = $(document).width();
//console.log("screen width has changed, so let the menu follow");
var maxmedia = window.matchMedia( "(max-width: 767px)" );
if (maxmedia.matches) { //mobile slide menu
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','none'); //on resize gooi menu dicht mocht die open staan
$('button.closemenu').css('display','none'); //en ook de close button weghalen
$('button.openmenu').css('display','block'); //en toon de menu openen button
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div.more').remove();
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div.less').remove();
if($("div#menu ul li.parentlink div.more").length){
//already added
}else{ //add some + behind menu items for opening submenus
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink").append('');//add + for submenu to open
$("#menu").on("click", ".more", function(e) { //open submenu
$(this).siblings('a').css('background','#0e688f');//column title
$(this).siblings('div').css('display','block');//submenu tonen
$(this).removeClass('more');//submenu is open so remove the +
$(this).addClass('less');//and add - to close submenu
$("#menu").on("click", ".less", function(e) { //close submenu
// $(this).parentlink().css('display','none');
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div .more').remove();
$(this).siblings('a').css('background','unset');//column title
$(this).siblings('div').css('display','none');//submenu sluiten
var minmedia = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 768px)" );
if (minmedia.matches) { //tablet en groter is normaal menu
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > a').removeAttr( 'style' );//remove active colors
$('#menu_nav #menu > ul > li > div').removeAttr( 'style' );//close open submenu's
$('button.navbar-toggle').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('button.openmenu').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('button.closemenu').css('display','none');//dont show mobile buttons and menu
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','block');//show the menu for desktop
//if it is a touch device we want the menu to open when clicked and not follow the parent links
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function setHasTouch () {
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink > a").bind('click',function(event) { event.preventDefault();}); //remove click functionality from parent button
$("div#menu ul li.parentlink2 > a").bind('click',function(event) { event.preventDefault();}); //remove click functionality from parent button
// Remove event listener once fired, otherwise it'll kill scrolling performance
window.removeEventListener('touchstart', setHasTouch);
}, false);
var screenwidth = 0;
//waar beginnen we mee? als mobiel dan mobiel menu anders desktop menu
//The resize event should never be used directly as it is fired continuously as we resize.
//It will never fire more than once every 500ms.
/* todo gives trouble in internet explorer, but wihtout the menu does not change on resize
const debounce = (func, wait, immediate) => {
var timeout;
return () => {
const context = this, args = arguments;
const later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(() => decideSizeMenu(), 500, false), false);
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','block');
$('#menu_nav #menu').css('display','none');
function openOrCloseCart(slow, close, timer1, timer2){
if(!$('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){//when pinned we do nothing/default
if(close || $('#cart .content').css("display") == 'block'){
$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).fadeOut(timer2, function(){
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'}); // instant open/close
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'});
}else{ //openen
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block',opacity:'1'});
function doubleClickHeaderCart(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true);
if($('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){
$('#cart .content').removeClass('pinned');
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'});//close the cart
//cart is pinned, i.o.w. it wont automatic slide away but will remain open until closed by user
$('#cart .content').addClass('pinned');
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block',opacity:'1'});//open the cart
function slowCloseHeaderCart(timer1, timer2){
if(!$('#cart .content').hasClass('pinned')){//when pinned we do nothing
/*$('#header #cart .content').delay(400).animate({opacity: '0.5'}, 300, function(){
$('#header #cart .content').animate({minHeight: "0px", height:'0px', opacity: '0.6'}, 300, function(){
$('#header #cart .content').animate({width:'230px'}, 200, function(){
openOrCloseCart(false);//als sluit dan kan niet pinned zijn
$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).fadeOut(timer2, function(){
$('#cart .content').css({display:'none'}); // instant open/close
/*$('#cart .content').delay(timer1).animate({opacity: '0.1'}, timer2, function(){
openOrCloseCart(false); // instant open/close
$('#cart .heading').on('dblclick',function(){
doubleClickHeaderCart(); //pinned or not
$('#cart .heading').on('click',function(){
openOrCloseCart(true, false, 0,600); //open or close menu slow
$('#cart .content').on('dblclick',function(){
doubleClickHeaderCart(); //pinned or not
$('#cart .content').on('click',function(){
//kan alleen hierop klikken als menu open is
openOrCloseCart(true, true, 0,600);//close menu slow
$('#cart .heading').on('mouseenter',function(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true); //cancel animation already running
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block', opacity:'1'});//open menu
$('#cart .content').on('mouseenter',function(){
$('#header #cart .content').stop(true); //cancel animation already running
$('#cart .content').css({display:'block', opacity:'1'});//open menu
openOrCloseCart(true, true, 200,600); //close menu slow
var mctooltipOptions = {
showDelay: 10,
hideDelay: 800,
effect: "fade",
duration: 200,
relativeTo: "element",
position: 0,
offsetX: 100,
offsetY: 20,
maxWidth: "100%",
calloutSize: 0,
sticky: false,
overlay: false,
license: "247l7"
var mctooltip = function(o) {
var j = "length",
xb = function(a, c, b) {
if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(c, b, false);
else a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + c, b)
b = {},
zb = function(a) {
if (a && a.stopPropagation) a.stopPropagation();
else window.event.cancelBubble = true;
var b = a ? a : window.event;
b.preventDefault && b.preventDefault()
jb = function(d) {
var a = d.childNodes,
c = [];
if (a)
for (var b = 0, e = a.length; b < e; b++) a[b].nodeType == 1 && c.push(a[b]);
return c
L = {
a: 0,
b: 0
g = null,
Bb = function(a) {
if (!a) a = window.event;
L.a = a.clientX;
L.b = a.clientY
X, V, Z = function(b, d) {
if (window.getComputedStyle) var c = window.getComputedStyle(b, null);
else if (b.currentStyle) c = b.currentStyle;
else c = b[a];
return c[d]
t = "offsetLeft",
v = "offsetTop",
Q = "clientWidth",
C = "clientHeight",
s = "appendChild",
J = "createElement",
G = "getElementsByTagName",
w = "parentNode",
H = "calloutSize",
x = "position",
S = function() {
this.a = [];
this.b = null
z = "firstChild",
db = 0,
ob = document,
r = "getElementById",
d = function(a, b) {
return b ? ob[a](b) : ob[a]
lb = function() {
var c = 50,
b = navigator.userAgent,
if ((a = b.indexOf("MSIE ")) != -1) c = parseInt(b.substring(a + 5, b.indexOf(".", a)));
return c
pb = lb() < 7,
cb = lb() < 9,
u = "marginTop",
R = "marginLeft";
S.tx = {
c: function(a) {
return -Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2 + .5
var p = "offsetWidth",
n = "offsetHeight",
k = "documentElement",
l = "body",
I = "borderColor",
ab = "nextSibling",
a = "style",
B = "visibility",
q = "width",
y = "height",
Db = ["$1$2$3", "$1$2$3", "$1$24", "$1$23", "$1$22"],
W, Fb;
S.prototype = {
d: {
a: o.duration,
b: function() {},
c: S.tx.c,
tranFactor: 1.5
e: function(h, d, g, c) {
for (var b = [], i = g - d, j = g > d ? 1 : -1, f = Math.ceil(60 * c.a / 1e3), a, e = 1; e <= f; e++) {
a = d + c.c(e / f, c.tranFactor) * i;
if (h != "opacity") a = Math.round(a);
b.d = 0;
return b
f: function() {
this.b == null && this.g()
g: function() {
var a = this;
this.b = window.setInterval(function() {
}, 15)
h: function() {
var a = this.a[j];
if (a) {
for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) this.i(this.a[c]);
while (a--) {
var b = this.a[a];
if (b.c.d == b.c[j]) {
this.a.splice(a, 1)
} else {
this.b = null
i: function(b) {
if (b.c.d < b.c[j]) {
var d = b.b,
c = b.c[b.c.d];
if (b.b == "opacity") {
b.a.op = c;
if (cb) {
d = "filter";
c = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(c * 100) + ")"
} else c += "px";
b.a[a][d] = c;
j: function(e, b, d, f, a) {
a = this.k(this.d, a);
var c = this.e(b, d, f, a);
a: e,
b: b,
c: c,
d: a.b
k: function(c, b) {
b = b || {};
var a, d = {};
for (a in c) d[a] = b[a] !== undefined ? b[a] : c[a];
return d
var i = new S,
Eb = function(b) {
var a = [],
c = b[j];
while (c--) a.push(String.fromCharCode(b[c]));
return a.join("")
Cb = [/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])\.(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /^(?:.*\.)?(\w)(\w)\.[^.]+$/, /.*([\w\-])([\w\-])\.com\.[^.]+$/, /^(\w)[^.]*(\w)+$/],
T = function(d, a) {
var c = [];
if (db) return db;
for (var b = 0; b < d[j]; b++) c[c[j]] = String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(b) - (a && a > 7 ? a : 3));
return c.join("")
qb = function(a) {
return a.replace(/(?:.*\.)?(\w)([\w\-])?[^.]*(\w)\.[^.]*$/, "$1$3$2")
ub = function(e, c) {
var d = function(a) {
for (var c = a.substr(0, a[j] - 1), e = a.substr(a[j] - 1, 1), d = "", b = 0; b < c[j]; b++) d += c.charCodeAt(b) - e;
return unescape(d)
a = qb(document.domain) + Math.random(),
b = d(a);
W = "%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%71%51%28%73%2C%6B%29%7B%76%61%72%20%72%3D%27%27%3B%66%6F%72%28%76%61%72%20%69%";
if (b[j] == 39) try {
a = (new Function("$", "_", T(W))).apply(this, [b, c]);
W = a
} catch (f) {}
Ab = function(c, a) {
var b = function(b) {
var a = b.charCodeAt(0).toString();
return a.substring(a[j] - 1)
return c + b(a[parseInt(T("4"))]) + a[2] + b(a[0])
e, c, f, K, h, M, F = null,
A = null,
N = 0,
Y = function() {
if (F != null) {
F = null
D = function() {
if (A != null) {
A = null
P = function(b, c) {
if (b) {
b.op = c;
if (cb) b[a].filter = "alpha(opacity=" + c * 100 + ")";
else b[a].opacity = c
sb = function(a, c, b, d, g, e, h, f) {
xf = b >= a;
yf = d >= c;
var k = xf ? b - a < g : a - b < h,
l = yf ? d - c < e : c - d < f,
i = k ? b - a : xf ? g : -h,
j = l ? d - c : yf ? e : -f;
if (k && l)
if (Math.abs(i) > Math.abs(j)) i = xf ? g : -h;
else j = yf ? e : -f;
return [i, j]
yb = function(l, g, k) {
O(c, 1);
var b = d(J, "div");
b[a][q] = l + "px";
f = d(J, "div");
f[a][q] = f[a][y] = "auto";
f[a].cssFloat = "left";
f[a].styleFloat = "left";
f[a][x] = "relative";
P(f, 0);
if (k == 1) f.innerHTML = g;
else {
var e = d(r, g);
if (e[w].sw) f = e[w];
else {
f.sw = e[w];
if (cb) {
var h = f[G]("select"),
i = h[j];
while (i--) h[i].onmouseout = zb
f[a][q] = f[p] + "px";
f[a][y] = f[n] + 1 + "px";
f[a].left = f[a].top = "auto";
f = c.insertBefore(f, c[z]);
f[a][x] = "absolute";
b = c.removeChild(b);
b = null;
delete b;
return f
tb = function(a) {
if (a.sw) {
P(a, 1)
} else {
a = a[w].removeChild(a);
delete a
O = function(b, c) {
for (var a = c; a < b.childNodes.length; a++) tb(b.childNodes[a])
vb = function() {
e.cO = 0;
e[a][B] = h[a][B] = K[a][B] = "hidden";
if (g.Q) g.Q[a].display = "none";
O(c, 0)
kb = function(a) {
if (a && e.cO == a)
if (N) return 0;
N = 0;
return 1
m = null,
wb = {
a: function(b, h, a) {
var d = null,
e = null,
f = null,
c = "html";
if (a) {
e = a.success || null;
c = a.responseType || "html";
d = a.context && e ? a.context : null;
f = a.fail || null
m = this.b();
m.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (m && m.readyState === 4) {
if (m.status === 200) {
if (M == b && F) {
var h = c.toLowerCase() == "xml" ? m.responseXML : m.responseText,
i = h;
if (c.toLowerCase() == "json") i = eval("(" + h + ")");
if (e) h = a.success(i, d);
g.f(b, h, 1)
} else if (f) g.f(b, f(d), 1);
else g.f(b, "Failed to get data.", 1);
m = null
m.open("GET", h, true);
b: function() {
var a;
try {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) a = new XMLHttpRequest;
else a = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
} catch (b) {
throw new Error("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return a
rb = function(c) {
var b = d(G, "body")[0],
a = jb(b);
if (a.length && a[0].nodeName == "FORM") a[0][s](c);
else b[s](c)
nb = function() {
e = d(J, "div");
e.id = "mcTooltipWrapper";
e.innerHTML = '
c = e[z];
e.cW = e.cH = e.cO = 0;
ub(e, b.a);
K = e.lastChild;
h = c[ab];
this.c(o[x], o[H]);
var a = this.k();
K.onclick = function() {
c.onmouseout = function() {
F != 1 && Y();
!M.sticky && a.h(350)
P(e, 0)
nb.prototype = {
j: function(o, j) {
var m = j * 2 + "px",
n = b.b + j + "px",
i = b.b + "px",
f = "border",
k = "",
l = "",
e = "",
g = h[z],
d = h.lastChild;
c[a][I] = g[a][I] = b.d;
c[a].backgroundColor = d[a][I] = b.c;
switch (o) {
case 0:
case 2:
k = "Left";
l = "Right";
h[a][q] = m;
h[a][y] = n;
d[a][R] = d[a].marginRight = "auto";
case 3:
k = "Top";
l = "Bottom";
h[a][q] = n;
h[a][y] = m
switch (o) {
case 0:
e = "Top";
h[a][u] = "-" + i;
g[a][u] = i;
d[a][u] = "-" + n;
case 2:
e = "Bottom";
h[a][u] = i;
g[a][u] = "-" + i;
d[a][u] = -(j - b.b) + "px";
case 3:
e = "Left";
h[a][R] = "-" + i;
g[a][R] = i;
d[a][u] = "-" + m;
e = "Right";
h[a].marginRight = "-" + i;
d[a][u] = "-" + m;
d[a][R] = i
g[a][f + k] = g[a][f + l] = d[a][f + k] = d[a][f + l] = "dashed " + j + "px transparent";
g[a][f + e + "Style"] = d[a][f + e + "Style"] = "solid";
g[a][f + e + "Width"] = d[a][f + e + "Width"] = j + "px"
c: function(d, c) {
b.e = d;
b.f = c;
e[a].padding = b.f + "px";
this.j(b.e, b.f)
d: function(a, c, b) {
if (kb()) A = setTimeout(function() {
g.f(a, c, b)
}, a.showDelay)
e: function(a, c, b) {
if (kb()) A = setTimeout(function() {
g.g(a, c, b)
}, a.showDelay)
a: function(g) {
var a = 1,
f = "#FBF5E6",
e = "#CFB57C";
try {
a = parseInt(Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "borderLeftWidth"));
f = Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "backgroundColor");
e = Z(d(r, "mcTooltip"), "borderLeftColor")
} catch (h) {}
b = {
a: g.license || "4321",
b: a,
c: f,
d: e,
l: c[Q] - c[z][p],
m: c[C] - c[z][n]
f: function(g, x, w) {
i.a = [];
if (this.Q) this.Q[a].display = g.overlay ? "block" : "none";
K[a][B] = g.sticky ? "visible" : "hidden";
var d = this.n(g, x, w);
if (e.cO) {
i.j(e, "left", e[t], d.l);
i.j(e, "top", e[v], d.t);
i.j(c, q, c.cW, c.tw);
i.j(c, y, c.cH, c.th);
i.j(h, "left", h[t], d.x);
i.j(h, "top", h[v], d.y)
} else if (b.e == 4) {
var z = this.v(g, 0),
A = this.v(g, 1);
i.j(e, "left", z, d.l);
i.j(e, "top", A, d.t);
i.j(c, q, g[p], c.tw);
i.j(c, y, g[n], c.th)
} else {
if (b.e > 4) i.j(e, "top", d.t + 6, d.t);
else e[a].top = d.t + "px";
e[a].left = d.l + "px";
c[a][q] = c.tw + "px";
c[a][y] = c.th + "px";
h[a].left = d.x + "px";
h[a].top = d.y + "px"
if (g.effect == "slide") {
var j, k;
if (!e.cO && b.e < 4) {
switch (b.e) {
case 0:
j = 0;
k = 1;
case 1:
j = -1;
k = 0;
case 2:
j = 0;
k = -1;
case 3:
j = 1;
k = 0
var m = [j * f[p], k * f[n]]
} else {
if (!e.cO && b.e > 3) {
j = g[t];
k = g[v]
} else {
j = e[t];
k = e[v];
if (b.e > 3) {
j += e.cO[t] - g[t];
k += e.cO[v] - g[v]
var s = b.l + b.b + b.b,
u = b.m + b.b + b.b;
m = sb(j, k, d.l, d.t, c.cW + s, c.cH + u, c.tw + s, c.th + u)
var o = b.l / 2,
r = b.m / 2;
i.j(f, "left", m[0] + o, o);
i.j(f, "top", m[1] + r, r);
var l = f[ab];
if (l) {
i.j(l, "left", o, -m[0] + o, {
b: function() {
O(c, 1)
i.j(l, "top", r, -m[1] + r)
P(f, 1)
} else {
i.j(f, "opacity", 0, 1, {
b: function() {
O(c, 1)
var l = f[ab];
l && i.j(l, "opacity", l.op, 0)
i.j(e, "opacity", e.op, 1);
e.cO = g
g: function(a, c, b) {
m = null;
A = setTimeout(function() {
g.f(a, '
', 1)
}, a.showDelay);
F = 1;
wb.a(a, c, b)
h: function(a) {
A = setTimeout(function() {
}, a)
i: function() {
i.a = [];
i.j(e, "opacity", e.op, 0, {
b: vb
l: function() {
if (d(r, "mcOverlay") == null) {
this.Q = d(J, "div");
this.Q.id = "mcOverlay";
d(G, "body")[0][s](this.Q);
this.Q[a][x] = pb ? "absolute" : "fixed";
if (pb) {
this.Q[a][q] = document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat" ? d(l).scrollWidth : d(k).scrollWidth;
this.Q[a][y] = document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat" ? d(l).scrollHeight : d(k).scrollHeight
m: function(f, e) {
if (f != b.e || e != b.f) {
var c = h[z],
d = h.lastChild;
c[a].margin = d[a].margin = h[a].margin = c[a].border = d[a].border = "0";
c[a][I] = b.d;
d[a][I] = b.c;
this.c(f, e)
k: function() {
return (new Function("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", function(d) {
var b = [];
c.onmouseover = D;
for (var a = 0, e = d[j]; a < e; a++) b[b[j]] = String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(a) - 4);
return b.join("")
}("zev$pAi,k,g,+kvthpu+0405--\u0080\u0080+6+-?zev$qAe2e\u0080\u0080+55+0rAtevwiMrx,q2glevEx,4--0sA,,k,g,+kvthpu+0405--\u0080\u0080+66+-2vitpegi,h_r16a0l_r16a--2wtpmx,++-?mj,e2e%Aj,r/+8+0s--qAQexl_g,+yhukvt+-a,-?mj,,rAA:**q@24:-\u0080\u0080,r%A:**q@259--wixXmqisyx,jyrgxmsr,-m,40g,+Ch'oylmD.o{{wA66~~~5tlu|jvvs5jvt6.E[vvs{pw'W|yjohzl'YltpuklyC6hE+-0tswmxmsr>:\u0081-?\u008106444-?\u0081\u0081vixyvr$xlmw?"))).apply(this, [b, z, T, Cb, qb, Ab, d, Db, U])
n: function(d, m, l) {
c.cW = c[Q] - b.l;
c.cH = c[C] - b.m;
f = yb(d.maxWidth, m, l);
c.tw = f[p];
c.th = f[n];
var i = c.tw + b.l + b.b + b.b,
h = c.th + b.m + b.b + b.b,
k = this.p(d, i, h),
g = this.t(i + b.f, h + b.f, k.x + d.offsetX, k.y + d.offsetY),
j = this.u(d[x], i, h);
this.m(d[x], d[H]);
g.x = j[0];
g.y = j[1];
e[a][B] = "visible";
return g
o: function(a) {
return a[w] ? a[w].nodeName.toLowerCase() != "form" ? this.o(a[w]) : a[w] : null
p: function(a, o, m) {
var c, d, g, f, l = a[x];
if (l < 4)
if (a.nodeType != 1) {
c = this.s(0);
d = this.s(1);
g = 0;
f = 0
} else if (a.relativeTo == "mouse") {
c = L.a;
d = L.b;
if (L.a == null) {
c = this.v(a, 0) + Math.round(a[p] / 2);
d = this.v(a, 1) + Math.round(a[n] / 2)
} else {
c += this.s(0);
d += this.s(1)
g = 0;
f = 0
} else {
h = a;
var e = jb(a);
if (e.length) {
e = e[0];
if (e[p] >= a[p] || e[n] >= a[n]) var h = e
c = this.v(h, 0);
d = this.v(h, 1);
g = h[p];
f = h[n]
var k = 20,
j = o + 2 * a[H],
i = m + 2 * a[H];
switch (l) {
case 0:
c += Math.round((g - j) / 2);
d -= i + k;
case 2:
c += Math.round((g - j) / 2);
d += f + k;
case 3:
c -= j + k;
d += Math.round((f - i) / 2);
case 4:
c = Math.round((this.q(0) + this.s(0) - j) / 2);
d = Math.round((this.q(1) + this.s(1) - i) / 2);
case 5:
c = this.s(0);
d = this.s(1);
case 6:
c = this.q(0) - j - Math.ceil(b.l / 2);
d = this.q(1) - i - Math.ceil(b.m / 2);
case 1:
c += g + k;
d += Math.round((f - i) / 2)
return {
x: c,
y: d
q: function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
return this.r(1) + this.s(0);
case 1:
return this.r(0) + this.s(1);
return 0
r: function(b) {
var a = 0;
if (window.innerWidth) a = b ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight;
else if (d(k) && d(k)[C]) a = b ? d(k)[Q] : d(k)[C];
else if (d(l) && d(l)[C]) a = b ? d(l)[Q] : d(l)[C];
return a
s: function(e) {
var b = "scrollTop",
a = "scrollLeft",
c = 0;
if (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number") c = e ? window.pageYOffset : window.pageXOffset;
else if (d(k) && (d(k)[b] || d(k)[a])) c = e ? d(k)[b] : d(k)[a];
else if (d(l) && (d(l)[b] || d(l)[a])) c = e ? d(l)[b] : d(l)[a];
return c
t: function(h, g, c, d) {
X = this.q(0) - 20;
V = this.q(1) - 20;
var f = this.s(1),
e = this.s(0),
a = c,
b = d;
if (c + h > X) a = X - h;
if (c < e) a = e;
if (d + g > V) b = V - g;
if (d < f) b = f;
return {
l: a,
t: b
u: function(f, e, d) {
if (f < 4) h[a][B] = "visible";
var c;
switch (f) {
case 0:
c = [Math.round(e / 2), d + b.f];
case 1:
c = [0, Math.round(d / 2)];
case 2:
c = [Math.round(e / 2), 0];
case 3:
c = [e + b.f, Math.round(d / 2)];
c = [0, 0];
h[a][B] = "hidden"
return c
v: function(c, d) {
var b = d == 0 ? c[t] : c[v],
a = c.offsetParent;
while (a != null) {
b = d == 0 ? b + a[t] : b + a[v];
a = a.offsetParent
return b
var hb = function() {
if (g == null) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log === "function") {
var a = console.log;
console.log = function() {
a.call(this, ++db, arguments)
g = new nb;
if (a) console.log = a
if (M && M.id == "mcttDummy" && e.innerHTML.indexOf(T("kdvh#Uh")) != -1) g.i = function() {};
return g
eb = function(d, c, b) {
b = b || {};
var a;
for (a in c) d[a] = b[a] !== undefined ? b[a] : c[a]
bb = 0,
E, mb = function(b) {
if (!b) {
b = d(r, "mcttDummy");
if (!b) {
b = d(J, "div");
b.id = "mcttDummy";
b[a].display = "none";
var c = d(G, "body");
c.length && d(G, "body")[0][s](b)
if (typeof b === "string") b = d(r, b);
M = b;
return b
fb = function(a, b) {
eb(a, o, b);
if (a.overlay) {
a.sticky = true;
if (a.overlay === 1) g.Q.onclick = K.onclick;
else g.Q.onclick = function() {}
if (a.sticky) a.onmouseout = function() {
N = 1;
else a.onmouseout = function() {
N = 1;
g.h(this.hideDelay + 100)
if (a.relativeTo == "mouse") a.onmousemove = Bb
U = function(b, c, h) {
b = mb(b);
var a = 0;
if (c.charAt(0) == "#") {
if (c.length > 2 && c.charAt(1) == "#") a = 2;
else a = 1;
var e = c.substring(a),
f = d(r, e);
if (f) {
if (a == 2) c = f.innerHTML
} else a = -1
if (!b || !g || a == -1) {
if (++bb < 40) E = setTimeout(function() {
U(b, c, h)
}, 90)
} else {
E = null;
fb(b, h);
if (a == 1) g.d(b, e, 2);
else g.d(b, c, 1)
gb = function(a, d, b, c) {
a = mb(a);
if (!a || !g) {
if (++bb < 40) E = setTimeout(function() {
gb(a, d, b, c)
}, 90)
} else {
E = null;
fb(a, c);
g.e(a, d, b)
xb(window, "load", hb);
var ib = function(a) {
if (++bb < 20)
if (!g) setTimeout(function() {
}, 90);
else {
eb(o, o, a);
g.m(o[x], o[H])
return {
changeOptions: function(options) {
pop: function(elm, text, options) {
U(elm, text, options)
ajax: function(elm, url, ajaxSettings, options) {
gb(elm, url, ajaxSettings, options)
hide: function() {
var a = hb();
//eof mctooltip js
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// fade in #back-top
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// scroll body to 0px on click
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scrollTop: 0
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